this is
REVENGE live in their singer´s hometown! even if you don´t speak German you might get that the singer is dead drunk which might be the reason for the comments he makes between the songs. ClAus-rotten, the guy who released the tape on his tapelabel wrote about those comments that he who takes what Hoiz says for real is an asshole and I agree with him on that! we may have our very own kind of humor here in Bavaria and it might be hard to get into that when you haven´t been born and raised here but that doesn´t mean we´re all nazis, jocks, etc.... the sound of the
DIAVOLO ROSSO side is really good as they were recorded on eight tracks and mastered afterwards! 15 songs and their set includes covers from
REVENGE live am 10.11.2008 in berlin, haring geburtstag...aber geheim!!!!!!!
AntwortenLöschennee, doch am 10.oktober!!!!!!!!!!!!
AntwortenLöschensag mal genauer WO das ist? dann komm ich auch!
AntwortenLöschen"mia san de geilste band der welt!!!!!!!!!"
AntwortenLöschenREVENGE / DIAVOLO ROSSO - SPLIT LIVETAPE link is dead. Can you please reupload?